Maths National Curriculum

Year 1

**Geometry **
(1) Position & Direction: Use Language of Position & Direction
(2) Properties of Shapes: Recognise 2D & 3D Shapes

(1) Measure & Record
(2) Money & its value
(3) Sequence Events
(4) Solve Measurement Problems
(5) Tell the Time
(6) Use Time Language

**Number: Addition & Subtraction**
(1) Add & Subtract to 20
(2) Make Mathematical Statement Using + – =
(3) Solve Add/Subtract Problems to 20
(4) Use Number Bonds to 20

**Number: Fractions**
(1) Recognise Halves & Quarters

**Number: Multiplication & Division**
(1) Slove Multiplication / Division Problems

**Number: Number & Place Value**
(1) Count to 100
(2) Identity One More / One Less
(3) Order / Compare Numbers to 100
(4) Read & Write Number Words to 20
(5) Read & Write Numberals to 100 ( including multiplication of 2, 5, & 10)
(6) Represent Numbers to 100

(1) Complete, Read and Interpret Tables
(2) Use Line Graphs

Year 2

**Geometry **
(1) Position & Direction: Use Language of Position & Direction
(2) Properties of Shapes
(3) Identify 2D Shapes
(4) Identify 2D with 3D Shapes
(5) Identify 3D Shapes

(1) Add/Subtract Money
(2) Compare Measurements
(3) Compare and/Sequence Time Intervals
(4) Know Divisions of Time
(5) Recongnise Money Symbols
(6) Tell/Write the Time
(7) Use Combinations of Coins
(8) Use Standard Units

**Number: Addition & Subtraction**
(1) Solve Add / Subtract Problems to 100
(2) Understand Order for Addition / Subtraction
(3) Understand Relationship Between Addition and Subtraction
(4) Use Addition / Subtraction Facts to 100

**Number: Fractions**
(1) Recognise Fractions
(2) Write Fractions

**Number: Multiplication & Division**
(1) Calculate Using Multiplication / Division For Known Tables
(2) Solve Problems Using Multiplication / Division
(3) Understand Order for Multiplication / Division
(4) Use Multiplication/Division Facts (2, 5, 10)

**Number: Number and Place Value**
(1) Count in Steps (2, 3, 5 and 10)
(2) Order/Compare Numbers to 100
(3) Read and Write Numerals/Words to at Least 100
(4) Recognise Tens and Ones
(5) Represent Numbers to 100
(6) Solve Place Value Problems to 100

(1) Charts and Diagrams
(2) Counting and Sorting Data
(3) Totalling and Comparing Data

Year 3

**Geometry: Properties of Shapes**
(1) Draw, Make and Recognise Shapes
(2) Identify Line Types
(3) Identify Right Angles
(4) Recognise Angles

(1) Add/Subtract Money
(2) Compare Time Durations of Events
(3) Estimate, Read, Record and Compare Time
(4) Know Measurements of Time
(5) Measure 2D Shapes
(6) Measure, Compare, Add/Subtract Lengths, Mass, and Volume/Capacity
(7) Tell the Time (analogue, 12-hour clocks, 24-hour clocks)
(8) Tell the Time (Roman Numerals from I to XII)

**Number: Addition and Subtraction**
(1) Estimate and Check Answers
(2) Solve Add/Subtract Problems to 1000
(3) Use Mental Addition/Subtraction to 1000
(4) Use Written Addition/Subtraction to Three Digits

**Number: Fractions**
(1) Add/Subtract Fractions
(2) Count in Tenths
(3) Use Fractions

**Number: Multiplication and Division**
(1) Solve Multiplication/Division Problems
(2) Use Multiplication/Division Facts (3, 4 and 8)
(3) Write Multiplication/Division Statements for Known Tables

**Number: Number and Place Value**
(1) Count in Multiples (4, 8, 50 and 100)
(2) Find 10 or 100 More or Less than a Given Numbera
(3) Order/Compare Numbers to 1000
(4) Read and Write Numerals/Words to 1000
(5) Recognise Hundreds, Tens and Ones
(6) Represent Numbers to 1000
(7) Solve Number Problems to 1000

(1) Interpret and Present Data
(2) Solve Statistic Problems

Year 4

**Geometry: Position and Direction**
(1) Describe Movements of Position
(2) Plot Points and Draw Sides
(3) Use Coordinate Grids

**Geometry: Properties of Shapes**
(1) Compare Geometric Shapes
(2) Identify Acute/Obtuse Angles
(3) Identify Line Symmetry in 2D Shapes
(4) Use Symmetry

(1) Calculate Areas
(2) Convert Analogue/Digital Time
(3) Convert Units of Measure
(4) Measure and Calculate Shapes
(5) Solve Time Problems

**Number: Addition and Subtraction**
(1) Add/Subtract up to Four-Digit Numbers
(2) Estimate Calculations and Check Answers
(3) Use Correct Methods to Problem Solve

**Number: Fractions and Decimals**
(1) Add/Subtract Fractions
(2) Compare Decimals up to Two Places
(3) Count in Hundredths
(4) Divide by 10 and 100
(5) Recognise Decimal Equivalents
(6) Round One Decimal Place Up/Down
(7) Solve Fraction and Decimal Problems
(8) Solve Fraction Problems
(9) Write Decimal Equivalents

**Number: Multiplication and Division**
(1) Know Multiplication Tables up to 12 x 12
(2) Recognise/Use Pairs in Mental Calculation
(3) Solve Multiplication Problems
(4) Use Multiplication/Division Facts
(5) Use Written Form for Multiplication **Number: Number and Place Value**
(1) Count Backwards (including Negative Numbers)
(2) Count in Multiples (6, 7, 9, 25 and 1000)
(3) Find 1000 More or Less than a Given Number
(4) Order/Compare Numbers Beyond 1000
(5) Read Roman Numerals (I to C/1 to 100)
(6) Recognise Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Ones
(7) Round Numbers Up/Down (to 10, 100 or 1000)
(8) Solve Number Problems
(9) Use Different Representations of Numbers

(1) Compare Data Using Charts and Graphs
(2) Present Data Using Charts and Graphs

Year 5

**Geometry: Position and Direction**
(1) Know, Describe and Present Shapes

**Geometry: Properties of Shapes**
(1) Identify 3D Shapes
(2) Identify Angles at a Point
(3) Know Angles and Degrees
(4) Understand Polygons
(5) Understand Rectangles

(1) Approximate Metric and Imperial Measurements
(2) Calculate/Estimate Areas
(3) Convert Between Metric Measurements
(4) Estimate Volume/Capactiy
(5) Measure Shapes in Metric
(6) Solve Four Operations Problems
(7) Solve Time Problems

**Number: Addition and Subtraction**
(1) Add/Subtract Four-Digit (or more) Numbers
(2) 9Add/Subtract Mentally
(3) Solve Multi-Step Add/Subtract Problems
(4) Use Rounding for Answers/Accuracy

**Number: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages**
(1) Add/Subtract Fractions
(2) Convert Fractions
(3) Identify Equivalent Fractions
(4) Know Decimal Numbers
(5) Multiply Fractions
(6) Order Fractions
(7) Recognise Percentages
(8) Relate Fractions to Decimals.
(9) Round Up/Down Decimals
(10) Solve Percentage/Decimal Problems
(11) Solve Problems with Decimal Places
(12) Use up to Three Decimal Places

**Number: Multiplication and Division**
(1) Identify Multiples and Factors
(2) Know Prime Numbers
(3) Multiply Numbers to Four Digits
(4) Multiply/Divide Formally
(5) Multiply/Divide Mentally
(6) Multiply/Divide Using Decimals
(7) Recognise Square/Cube Numbers
(8) Solve Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division Problems
(9) Solve Multiplication/Division Problems
(10) Solve Multiplication/Division Problems with Fractions
(11) Use Correct Vocabulary

**Number: Number and Place Value**
(1) Count in Steps to 1000 000
(2) Interpret Negative Numbers
(3) Know Numbers to 1000 000
(4) Read Roman Numerals to M (1000)
(5) Round Numbers to 1 000 000
(6) Solve Number Problems to 1 000 000

Year 6

(1) Express Problems Algebraically
(2) Know Linear Number Sequences
(3) Use Algebra Formulae
(4) Use Equations
(5) Use Variables

**Geometry: Position and Direction**
(1) Draw/Translate Shapes
(2) Use Coordinate Grids

**Geometry: Properties of Shapes**
(1) Compare Shape Properties
(2) Know 3D Shapes
(3) Know Circle Parts
(4) Recognise/Find Angles

(1) Calculate Areas
(2) Convert Between Standard Units
(3) Convert Miles/Kilometres
(4) Recognise Shapes
(5) Solve Conversion Problems
(6) Use Area/Volume Formulae
(7) Use Cubes/Cuboids

**Number: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division**
(1) Carry Out Calculations Using Order of Operations
(2) Divide to Four Digits (Long Division)
(3) Identify Common Factors, Multiples and Prime Numbers
(4) Multiply to Four Digits (Long Multiplication)
(5) Perform Mental Calculations
(6) Solve Multi-Step Add/Subtract Problems
(7) Use Estimation to Check Answers

**Number: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages**
(1) Add/Subtract Fractions
(2) Calculate Fraction-Decimal Equivalents
(3) Compare and Order Fractions.
(4) Divide Proper Fractions
(5) Divide with Two Decimal Places
(6) Know Fraction-Decimal-Percentage Equivalents
(7) Multiply Proper Fractions
(8) Multiply with Two Decimal Places
(9) Solve Rounding Problems
(10) Use Common Factors
(11) Use Three Decimal Places

**Number: Number and Place Value**
(1) Determine Digit Value to 10 000 0001
(2) Round Numbers for Accuracy
(3) Solve Number/Place Value Problems up to 10 000 000
(4) Use Negative Numbers

**Ratio and Proportion**
(1) Solve Fraction/Multiples Problems
(2) Solve Percentage Problems
(3) Solve Ratio Problems
(4) Solve Shape Problems

(1)Calculate Average/Interpret Mean
(2) Use Charts and Graphs

Year 7

(1) Generate Terms of a Sequence
(2) Simplify Algebraic Expressions to Maintain Equivalence
(3) Solve Linear Equations (One Variable)
(4) Substitute Numerical Values for Formulae/Expressions
(5) Translate Situations/Procedures into Expressions, Formulae and Graphs
(6) Understand Expressions, Equations, Inequalities, Terms and Factors
(7) Use and Interpret Algebraic Notation
(8) Use Coordinates in All Four Quadrants
(9) Use Geometric Sequences
(10) Use Sequences to Find the nth Term
(11) Use Standard Mathematical Formulae

**Geometry and Measures**
(1) Apply the Properties of Angles
(2) Derive and Illustrate Properties of Plane Figures
(3) Derive/Use the Sum of Angles for Deduction
(4) Draw and Measure Line Segments and Angles
(5) Identify and Describe Translations, Rotations and Reflections
(6) Solve Problems Involving Perimeters and Areas of 2D Shapes
(7) Use 3D Shape Knowledge to Solve Problems

(1) Appreciate Infinite Sets
(2) Define, Interpret and Compare Percentages
(3) Round/Approximate Numbers Appropriately
(4) Understand Integer Powers/Real Roots
(5) Understand Order for All Numbers
(6) Use Calculators/Technology for Accuracy
(7) Use Concepts and Vocabulary for All Numbers
(8) Use Conventional Notation for Priority of Operations
(9) Use Four Operations for All Numbers
(10) Use Place Value for All Numbers
(11) Use Relationships Between Operations
(12) Use Standard Units of Measure
(13) Work Interchangeably with Terminating Decimals and Fractions

(1) Calculate Theoretical Probability
(2) Enumerate Sets Using Tables, Grids and Diagrams
(3) Record, Describe and Analyse Probability Experiments4 activities
(4) Understand Probability Outcomes

**Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change**
(1) Change Between Related Standard Units
(2) Divide/Express Quantities as Ratios
(3) Express One Quantity as a Fraction of Another
(4)  Relate Ratio Language to Fractions and Linear Functions
(5)  Solve Problems Involving Direct and Inverse Proportion
(6)  Use Ratio Notation
(7)  Use Scale Factors/Diagrams and Maps

(1) Construct/Interpret Appropriate Representations for Data
(2)  Understand the Relationship Between Two Variables
(3)  Understand Variables, Representation, Measures and Spread

Year 8

(1) Generate Terms of a Sequence
(2) Simplify Algebraic Expressions to Maintain Equivalence
(3) Solve Linear Equations (One Variable)
(4) Substitute Numerical Values for Formulae/Expressions
(5) Understand Expressions, Equations, Inequalities, Terms and Factors
(6) Use and Interpret Algebraic Notation
(7) Use Coordinates in All Four Quadrants
(8) Use Geometric Sequences
(9) Use Linear Equations (Two Variables) and Gradients
(10) Use Standard Mathematical Formulae

**Geometry and Measures**
(1) Apply Facts About Angles and Sides
(2) Derive and Apply Formulae
(3) Derive/Use the Sum of Angles for Deduction
(4)  Identify and Construct Congruent Triangles
(5)  Identify and Describe Translations, Rotations and Reflections.
(6) Interpret Mathematical Relationships Algebraically/Geometrically
(7) Solve Problems Involving Perimeters and Areas of 2D Shapes
(8) Solve Right-Angled Triangle Problems
(9)  Understand the Relationship Between Parallel Lines and Angles
(10) Use 3D Shape Knowledge to Solve Problems
(11)  Use Standard Conventions for Labelling Triangles
(12)  Use Terms/Notation in Drawings

(1) Define, Interpret and Compare Percentages
(2) Interpret Fractions/Percentages as Operators
(3) Interpret/Compare Standard Form Numbers
(4) Round/Approximate Numbers Appropriately
(5) Understand Integer Powers/Real Roots
(6) Understand Order for All Numbers
(7) Use Approximation to Estimate/Calculate Answers
(8) Use Calculators/Technology for Accuracy
(9) Use Concepts and Vocabulary for All Numbers
(10) Use Conventional Notation for Priority of Operations
(11) Use Four Operations for All Numbers
(12) Use Place Value for All Numbers
(13) Use Standard Units of Measure
(14)  Work Interchangeably with Terminating Decimals and Fractions

(1) Calculate Theoretical Probability
(2) Record, Describe and Analyse Probability Experiments
(3) Understand Probability Outcomes

**Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change**
(1) Change Between Related Standard Units
(2)  Solve Problems Involving Direct and Inverse Proportion
(3) Use Ratio Notation

(1) Understand Variables, Representation, Measures and Spread

Year 9

(1) Generate Terms of a Sequence
(2) Simplify Algebraic Expressions to Maintain Equivalence
(3) Solve Linear Equations (One Variable)
(4) Substitute Numerical Values for Formulae/Expressions
(5) Translate Situations/Procedures into Expressions, Formulae and Graphs
(6) Understand Expressions, Equations, Inequalities, Terms and Factors
(7) Use and Interpret Algebraic Notation
(8)  Use Coordinates in All Four Quadrants
(9)  Use Geometric Sequences
(10) Use Linear and Quadratic Graphs (One Variable)
(11) Use Linear Equations (Two Variables) and Gradients
(12) Use Sequences to Find the nth Term
(13) Use Standard Mathematical Formulae

**Geometry and Measures**
(1) Apply Facts About Angles and Sides
(2) Apply the Properties of Angles
(3) Derive and Apply Formulae
(4) Derive and Illustrate Properties of Plane Figures
(5) Draw and Measure Line Segments and Angles
(6) Identify and Describe Translations, Rotations and Reflections
(7) Interpret Mathematical Relationships Algebraically/Geometrically
(8) Solve Problems Involving Perimeters and Areas of 2D Shapes
(9) Solve Right-Angled Triangle Problems
(10) Use 3D Shape Knowledge to Solve Problems

(1) Define, Interpret and Compare Percentages
(2) Interpret Fractions/Percentages as Operators
(3) Interpret/Compare Standard Form Numbers
(4) Round/Approximate Numbers Appropriately
(5) Understand Integer Powers/Real Roots
(6) Use Calculators/Technology for Accuracy
(7) Use Concepts and Vocabulary for All Numbers
(8) Use Four Operations for All Numbers
(9) Use Relationships Between Operations
(10) Use Standard Units of Measure
(11) Work Interchangeably with Terminating Decimals and Fractions

(1) Calculate Theoretical Probability

**Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change**
(1) Change Between Related Standard Units
(2) Solve Problems Involving Compound Units
(3) Solve Problems Involving Direct and Inverse Proportion
(4) Solve Problems Involving Percentage Change
(5) Use Ratio Notation

(1) Understand the Relationship Between Two Variables


(1) Notation, Vocabulary and Manipulation
(2) Graphs
(3)  Solving Equations and Inequalities
(4)  Sequences

**Geometry and Measures**
(1)  Properties and Constructions
(2)  Mensuration and Calculation
(3)  Vectors

(1)  Structure and Calculation
(2)  Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
(3)   Measures and Accuracy

(1)  Probability

**Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change**
(1)  Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change

(1)   Statistics

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